A Little Update for the Fall 2016…

So things are finally settling down to a nice normal pace, though I imagine with the Holidays coming up…it’s about to get much busier! We Had a very busy October with the Boys Birthday and Halloween.  I tend to have a habit of wrapping the two up together and this year instead of doing one big party like last year… we did something fun and Halloweeny every weekend.  We did a Petting Zoo, Boo at the Zoo, The Circus, Pumpkin Farm , and of Course a little family Bday Celebration!

We had the absolute best time..but by the end of the month the Boys were so overstimulated from all the excitement I kept it very low key and just focused on getting them back on their routine and schedule.

Another amazinggggg thing that finally came to fruition was my respite! I Now officially get Four blissful hours every Sunday all to myself. The best part is they spend that time with a worker I have known a million years and I trust implicitly. I also had a sit down with the lady that runs the free standing respite as well , the Boys need one more set of shots then we will go there for a dinner and show the Boys around. That will give me one whole night a month to myself also. Which, to be honest I think I will be stoked the first few hours then Miss them to death.

As for November, I got asked to join a Mother of Special Needs group at my Boys School. This excites me very much because with the degree I am currently getting my goal is to maybe be able to help other parents through this process, especially when you are getting the diagnosis. Truly it’s terrifying. I just now feel like I am starting to find my footing a bit.

On that Note, moving into November we had to go up to Rochester to the Sleep clinic to decide if what I always called the Boys Night Terrors were in fact that , and they think they might be. We have to go back in March for a sleep study (both boys same night) to look our for restless leg syndrome ( they never stop moving, even when they sleep), obstructive apnea, and well they think they might actually be Night Terrors. We also go back up the results in April and the genetic testing in April as well.

We also had out first snow which the Boys enjoyed immensely and of course Thanksgiving! We have a tradition that after we clean up from Dinner we put on Christmas Carols and Put up the tree. I even managed to find a leopard print trimmed hat for me and Avengers hats for them. Score!

Some other things that were exciting this month is my cousin who I have only been able to Facebook with , I literally have not seen her since I think she was like 4, came through and we went out to dinner. I got to meet my little second cousins (soo freaking cute) and she got to meet hers as well as her husband got to meet us and My Momma. We had a blast and let’s be honest, any reason is a good reason to go to Cracker Barrel.

Tonight the Boy had their first Gymnastics class. I was super nervous about it , it could have gone one way or the other , but they absolutely loved it. I think it will be a good outlet for their energy. They are so physical , they have no fear, and they can take a bump and pop right back up. I think it’s going to be amazing. They will also be starting swimming lessons in January. For that I opted on a special needs class simply because truly it’s life or death.

On my end of things , I have been in a struggle with my weight my entire adult life. It’s something I struggle with as I am an emotional eater. If I get sad, angry, upset, or frustrated…I don’t drink or smoke .. I eat. I have been in the Bariatric Program for some time and struggling to lose the mandatory amount on your own. After therapy and some much needed self discipline I think perhaps I might be finding my way slowly to where I need to be but I will definitely continue to post updates here as well on that subject.

It’s been exciting , busy, and stressful all at once. I will try much harder to keep more up to date with the blog. I am also reaching out to some different companies for things to try and possible discounts for you guys so cross your fingers! ❤

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